Making the Transition to Assisted Living Care

Arthur's Residential Care - Assisted Living CareAre you considering moving yourself or your loved one to assisted living care? It’s no doubt clear to you why you are considering getting help—meals, chores and day to day living are becoming a challenge. Yet those same responsibilities are the things that give you control over your life and add structure and purpose to your day. It can be hard to give them up!

Transition to Assisted Living Care

One key to feeling at home when you make the transition to assisted living is to stay active and involved in things that interest you. What sorts of physical and social activities have you enjoyed most in the past? Can you participate in similar activities that will help you feel at home and connected in the new assisted living care setting? If you have always had a role in cooking or other household activities, are there enough staff at the assisted living care home to enable you to continue to participate in these activities? Can staff there help you get out and about to events in the community or with your family that are important to you?
The transition to assisted living care doesn’t have to bring an end to staying involved in meaningful activities. Take a look at what assisted living could look like.